Is mustard healthy?

Is mustard healthy?

Even in early centuries, mustard was touted as having medicinal properties for many different diseases and ailments. Recommendations ranged from an aphrodisiac to a remedy for lice, earaches and snakebites to use for epilepsy, uterine cramps and as an antipyretic. Even today, mustard is actually attributed some health-promoting properties and is also said to have healing powers.

Is mustard healthy?
Is mustard healthy? Mustard is said to have many positive properties. However, especially in the fast food sector, mustard is usually heavily sweetened, so that the mustard used has lost all its positive properties. Natural mustard serves as a basis for many home remedies, be it against cold feet, to reduce stomach acid or against heartburn.

It is scientifically proven that a mustard effect has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Mustard oils can inhibit the growth of various fungi, viruses and bacteria. Mustard stimulates appetite and the production of digestive juices, which is why fatty foods are better tolerated with mustard than without it.
For external use, a paste made from mustard flour from the health food store and water can be used as a chest compress to relieve bronchitis. This is due to the mustard oils, which release essential expectorant substances when heated. The blood circulation of the skin is increased.
However, mustard can irritate the skin. A sample on a smaller skin area is appropriate beforehand. In addition, the wrap must be washed off the skin with plenty of water after use. Pre-east the mustard can be wrapped in a cloth for the burst wrap.
Who suffers from cold feet, can use the blood circulation-promoting effect of the mustard powder. 50 g mustard powder are dissolved for a mustard foot bath in 5 liters of warm water, which should not be over 40 degrees hot. The duration of the bath is 20 minutes. The effect of a mustard foot bath lasts a long time, especially if thick socks are put on after the foot bath. Mustard compresses applied between two sheets soothe aching joints and stimulate the circulation.

Mustard: healthy or unhealthy?

Even Paracelsius knew: All things are poison and nothing is without poison. It all depends on the dose. This also applies to mustard. For internal cleansing, one to two tablespoons of mustard seeds are taken daily, unchewed, with plenty of water. The grains swell in the intestinal tract and bind existing toxins, which are then excreted. Whether mustard has a preventive effect against cancer has not yet been medically proven. However, initial studies indicate that it does. Mustard, like broccoli, is a member of the cruciferous family and it may have a similar effect. However, high-dose applications on the skin can promote the development of skin irritations up to ulcers and blisters and damage the nerves.

Mustard against heartburn

Mustard reduces stomach acid and can therefore help against heartburn, especially if no other home remedy is at hand. Pure mustard powder, which is alkaline, is used. You can find mustard powder in a well-stocked health food store. Mustard powder neutralizes the rising stomach acid. The burning sensation stops. If you do not have mustard powder on hand, you can also try tube mustard or mustard from a jar as medium hot mustard. But it may also be that the mustard intensifies the heartburn and irritates the stomach even more. Especially people with a sensitive or a sick stomach should be careful when using it.

Mustard during pregnancy

Mustard can be consumed in pregnancy without hesitation in the usual quantities. Especially against heartburn mustard in pregnancy can be tried, if other medications may not be taken. A mustard foot bath in pregnancy can help against cold feet.

Is there an allergy to mustard?

An allergy to mustard can occur as a cross allergy and as a sole allergy. As a cross allergy, mustard allergy occurs in relation to mugwort, cauliflower, Chinese cabbage, canola and beets. If you suffer from a mustard allergy, you must completely avoid mustard as a paste, mustard from the tube and on mustard seeds, on the one hand as an addition to Bratwurst and Co and on the other hand in the preparation of dishes and also in ready meals. When heated, the allergen remains contained. In the context of a mustard allergy, nausea, vomiting, swelling in the mouth and contact eczema and even allergic shock can occur.